Job burnout, also known as occupational burnout, is the result of unresolved and long-term work-related stress. we all have difficult days at work, but job burnout refers to when that difficult day turns into a difficult month (or year or even decade).. The earlier you recognize you are experiencing job burnout, the easier it will be to resolve it. the most obvious cure is to quit your job. while that may seem like a luxury to someone in the early stages of burnout, it could be a necessity to someone whose health is already being affected.. Quitting a job can be cathartic. burnout, bad bosses, crazy coworkers and / or new exciting opportunities can make quitting a job feel like the ultimate empowerment. whether it is a move up, over or just simply out - you are on your way! when making that step, be careful of the footprint you leave.
I quit my job last week. here's why it happened. in addition to teaching at a local university i also worked as an academic advisor and career counselor. after 3 years i realized i was suffering from a massive case of job burnout. i needed to redirect my energies in an effort to regain my sense of. Maybe you’re thinking that quitting your job would be the most effective way to overcome your job burnout maybe you’re thinking it’s the only way out. well often times quitting your job just isn’t an option because you’ve got kids in school, a retirement to think about, and a sassy car with massive monthly payment.. Quitting your job isn't a decision you should make haphazardly, though. it will have a tremendous impact on your life and, therefore, you should give it careful consideration. if you are wondering when to quit your job, here are some situations when you may have no choice..